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Rugs above 165cmRugs above 165cm
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£13.94 £19.90

MHS Equestrian is the equipment specialist in Europe

Here you will find everything you need in equestrian sports. Whether it is supplies for yourself, the horse or the shetland, you will certainly succeed in our webshop. For years, MHS Equestrian has been the largest online webshop in Europe where you can buy horse equipment for attractive prices. MHS Equestrian supplies the entire range throughout Europe but also beyond. Be overwhelmed by the enormous range within our equestrian shop.

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Lunging: A good training for your horse!

Lunging a horse is something many people do on a weekly basis. And that's understandable! Did you know that lunging is a very good addition to the training of your horse? While lunging, you teach your horse to walk on its own two feet, and to carry itself without the weight of a rider on its back.

Different bridles

Bridles for your horse or pony, they come in all kinds, sizes and designs. The biggest differences are the nosebands. This can be a high noseband, or a low noseband. Some have a combination noseband and others prefer a bridle without a noseband. So the choice is huge.

When does my horse need which rug?

During the summer months, it's less complicated, but by the onset of fall and winter, everyone is running into it; Rug Choices! Which rug do you need for your horse when? How thick should the rug be to keep my horse warm? Does the rug have to be waterproof or is it only for the stable? Every horse, just like people, is different and therefore has different needs. So there is no specific rug suitable for every horse at that time. External factors such as the weather and temperature also influence this. 

Clipped or not clipped? 
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Different types of horse rugs

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What can I do with my miniature horse or Shetland?

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Stable legs ... What is that and how do you prevent it?

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This influence has stress on your horse

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Injured horse? This is how you provide the right aftercare

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These problems can be caused by eating sand

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Does your horse suffer from sensitive hooves? This may be the cause

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Different types of miniature horses and the accompanying studbooks

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